Caution, Blind Priest Driving: The story of Fr. Thomas J. Carroll, changing the public’s Perception of Blindness




Reverend Thomas J. Carroll, a priest of the archdiocese of Boston who after serving as auxiliary chaplain to the blinded veterans of WWII returned to Boston to transform the Catholic Guild for the Blind (renamed the Carroll Center for the Blind) from a social welfare agency to one providing training for newly blinded adults to restore their independence and return to sighted society. He modeled his agency on the experiments conducted by the United States Army during and after WWII. His book Blindness, what it is, what it does and How to live with it (Little Brown: 1961) is still used by university personnel preparation programs in rehabilitation of the blind.

· The WWII Blinded veterans with whom he worked in Connecticut played a joke on him and tied a sign to his bumper “Blind Priest Driving when he drove back to Boston