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2025 Carroll Society Awards Ceremony

The Carroll Center for the Blind and the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind recognize outstanding employees who are visually impaired through the annual Carroll Society Awards Ceremony. These Awards recognize blind and visually impaired employees who have made significant contributions to their companies through their outstanding ability and job performance.

Individuals are chosen because, despite vision loss, they are exemplary employees and contribute to the overall culture of both their business and community. Despite the employment barriers people with disabilities face, inductees have proven their commitment to making a difference by serving as both leaders and examples for others. Each new Carroll Society inductee demonstrates the passion, professionalism, and excellence to change the perception of what it means to be blind in the workplace.

Event Details

When: Thursday, June 12, 2025 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.

Where: Rachel E. Rosenbaum Technology Center at The Carroll Center for the Blind, 770 Centre Street Newton, MA 02458

The ceremony is free and open to everyone. You are welcome and encouraged to bring family, friends and coworkers. Reception with light refreshments will follow the ceremony.