Donate to support the SailBlind program

An older blind woman smiles as she steers a sailboat.

SailBlind is a recreational sailing program, affiliated with The Carroll Center for the Blind, that offers visually impaired or blind adults (ages 18+) the opportunity to learn the sport of sailing.

Why is SailBind important?

  • Provides sailors with the opportunity to regain their independence. They learn how to control and steer a boat on their own!
  • Build self-confidence, socialize, and make new friends.
  • Get fresh air and exercise.
  • Blind sailors are a powerful symbol to the sighted world of what blind individuals can achieve when given the opportunity.

How your donation will help:

  • With a growing number of sailor participation, we need more sighted guides to take the sailors out sailing every Saturday. Your donation will cover the costs related to sighted guide recruitment and retention efforts.
  • Cover parking expenses for our sighted guides and onshore volunteers who dedicate their free time to teach our sailors every Saturday.
  • Pay SailBlind Lead Instructor who leads sessions and introduces sailboat racing to those interested.
  • Host team and community events to increase team bonding and awareness of our program.